Wednesday, September 07, 2005

I survived BABP Member Slide Night!

Red-tailed Hawk
Originally uploaded by Bill Walker.

Tonight was my first time to participate in Member Slide Night at the Bay Area Bird Photographers club. We saw images from about six or eight photographers, including Doug Cheeseman. I showed about 28 images from my laptop, including this Red-tailed Hawk which I just shot this morning. A slight majority of the images came from the Dell 3300 DLP projector; the rest were good old fashioned 35mm slides. The slides people had to contend with focussing the projector and not putting their slides in sideways; the laptop people had to contend with video connector adapters and wacky brightness/contrast/color settings, so everyone had their challenges. Altogether, though, it was an impressive body of work, and I came home wired and inspired.


spinnity said...

So sorry I couldn't be there with you. Your red-tail is awesome! How do we see the rest of your 28 slides?

Anonymous said...

Great picture, Bill. I, too, would like to see the other pictures you presented. Mom W.