Thursday, September 16, 2004

an evening with the Santa Clara Valley Audubons

Last night at the Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society general meeting, I saw a very cool lecture by Doug Cheeseman about Antarctica. He's a very engaging speaker, and has accumulated some 20 years worth of excellent photos of penguins, seals, glaciers, sea lions, and albatross. Someday, Mary and I hope to go on one of his Africa trips.

After the lecture I had a chance to chat with birder and photographer Mike Danzenbaker. I met him over Labor Day while we were both out shooting, and was amazed to see that he handholds an eleven pound 500mm lens using a shoulder stock (like a rifle). The results are incredible. I don't think I've ever seen so many crisp flight shots of passerines know for their erratic flight (i. e., Chimmney Swift) as you'll find on his site. An inspiration to us all, and a very helpful and friendly guy.

1 comment:

spinnity said...

My fave so far is the Le Conte's Thrasher. We worked sooooo hard just to see this bird at Anza Borrego; the idea that he got a gorgeous photo with interesting diet information just blows me away.