Thursday, May 19, 2005

you know you're an XSLT geek when...

you know you're an XSLT geek when you've read about and start to understand the Muench technique for building an index over an XML document that helps you remove duplications from collections. [thanks to Joe Pallas for tracking down the URL]

Monday, May 16, 2005

Blessing the Rectory

University Church Rectory
Originally uploaded by Bill Walker.

After many years, University Church in Palo Alto, California blessed its new Rectory on Saturday. I served on the Pastoral Housing Committee for at least five years, and to be honest I had many doubts we would ever get to this point. Many thanks to our outstanding project manager Duane Bay, without whom this would never have happened.

Friday, May 13, 2005

bye bye, piano

bye bye, piano
Originally uploaded by Bill Walker.

Well, the time has come to return Pastor Foster's piano. At least he has a parsonage with a lovely Great Room that accomodates the piano very nicely. I was a very fortunate to have had the use of this vintage Steinway D for several years, and I bid it a fond farewell.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

My Mom Rocks!

My Mom and Brother
Originally uploaded by Bill Walker.

How do I come by this cool photo of me, my Mom, and my brother? Because my mom made this cool scrapbook from when I was thirteen. And this is just one of several big volumes of really cool stuff from my childhood. Thanks, Mom!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

South Texas Slideshow available

Neotropic Cormorant
Originally uploaded by Bill Walker.

I've put together a slide show from the South Texas Tripat at flickr. You can watch an automatic slide show, or page through at your own rate. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

My Cliff Swallow published in Berkeley

My Cliff Swallow photo has been published by the Berkeley Daily Planet in an article entitled Cliff Swallows Use Social Strategies for Survival. Check out the article, it's very interesting!